A baseline study, conducted by Hailemariam & Roman Foundation (HRF) under the “Agricultural Transformation and Food Security Project” has revealed key community challenges, including the dowry system in the South Omo zone, Ethiopia.

The report was presented during the baseline validation workshop, held in Jinka town, South Ethiopia Regional State, on July 25, 2024 and attended by more than 50 stakeholder representatives drawn from government bureaus, private sector, and national and international NGOs, among others.

According to the study, access to material and social assets such as livestock is central to pastoral society in South Omo, for instance, to be able to pay excessive dowry for getting married, and there are instances the dowry burden passes from generation to generation. The report also identifies key challenges, such as a lack of coordination among stakeholders and limited livestock market information and linkages in the zone.

Funded by Bill & Melinda Gates, the four-year project aims to contribute towards transforming the livestock and agricultural productivity and value chain systems among the pastoral and agro-pastoral communities in South Omo.
