The leaders of Bena Tsemay and Hamer Woredas in the South Omo region received transformational leadership training to help achieve the Sustainable Development Goals in the health sector. A total of 24 leaders participated in the training organized by Hailemariam & Roman Foundation (HRF) in collaboration with the Zonal Health Department from August 29 to September 2, 2022, in Jinka City.

The chief of HRF’s Maternal, Neonatal, & Child Health (MNCH) & Nutrition Program, Mr. Meskele Lera, highlighted the importance of the training by stating that it aims to enable the professional training initially offered to health experts to be implemented in a transformative leadership capacity in the Hamer and Bena Tsemay Woredas of the South Omo zone, where there is a significant gap in the health sector performance.

“If we are to achieve the goal of sustainable development in the health sector, we must equip the leaders with the necessary skills and knowledge appropriate for the sector, and to this end, this training was provided by experts from John Hopkins University who have extensive international experience in the field,” he added.

The participants who spoke about the importance of the training said that the training has given them the leadership capacity to transform the health and nutrition of mothers, neonates, and children as well as the reproductive health system in the target areas. They also noted that it will have a typical role in furthering the changes that came after the earlier advocacy forum.

Hailemariam & Roman Foundation

September 2022, Jinka